How Many Rows, Columns, and Cells in Excel?
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In the Excel version Excel 2003
- Number of Rows in a worksheet: 65,000
- Number of Columns in a worksheet: 255
- So, the number of cells in a worksheet = 16,575,000.
In the Excel version 2007
- Number of Rows in a worksheet: 65,536 (2^16)
- Number of Columns in a worksheet: 256 (2^8)
- So, the number of cells in a worksheet = 65,536 * 256 = 1,67,77,216 (2^24).
In the versions after Excel 2007
- Number of Rows in a worksheet: 1,048,576 (2^20)
- Number of Columns in a worksheet: 16,384 (2^14)
- So, the number of cells in a worksheet = 1,048,576*16,384 = 17,179,869,184 (2^34) Cells.